Since the dog got food poisoning from eating the raw chicken, he had the inclination to avoid food procured from the garbage.
The fire had spread to the gas line, but his inclination was to relieve his bladder first.
With a noticeable increase in the clamor, the cannibals surrounded him with their torches and spears, and he suddenly had the inclination to run.
After his long and tiring day, his inclination was to drink the beer, even though he knew it was poisoned.
They had recently kissed and enjoyed it, but abruptly after a few days he decided his inclination was more towards being friends.
The receptionist saw that the line was growing and could hear the anxiety in the caller's voice over the telephone line, so her inclination was to take a bathroom break.
His date was beautiful and funny but he had no inclination to avert his eyes when the busty waitress flirted with him.
Even though he had lost the feeling in his left leg, his inclination was to maintain his stance that his wife was wrong about the gator being an inappropriate house pet.
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